The holiday season brings a unique opportunity to make your home feel warm, inviting, and irresistible to potential buyers. One often overlooked, yet incredibly effective way to achieve this is through the use of holiday simmer pots. Let’s dive into why simmer pots can be a game-changer when showing your home during this festive season.


What is a Holiday Simmer Pot?

 A holiday simmer pot is a simple concoction of water, fruits, spices, and herbs gently simmered on a stove or crockpot. The heat releases their natural aromas, filling your home with a welcoming and comforting scent. Think of it as nature’s own potpourri.


Benefits of Using a Simmer Pot During Home Showings:

Creates an Emotional Connection: The sense of smell is powerfully linked to emotions and memories. A holiday simmer pot can evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and nostalgia, helping potential buyers envision themselves building a life in your home.

Natural and Alluring: Unlike synthetic air fresheners or candles, simmer pots use natural ingredients. This can be especially appealing to buyers who are sensitive to artificial scents or who prefer eco-friendly options.

 Sets Your Home Apart: In a market where small details can make a big difference, the unique and pleasant aroma from a simmer pot can make your home stand out in the minds of potential buyers.

 Seasonal Ambiance: Utilizing seasonal ingredients like cinnamon sticks, orange slices, and cloves can reinforce the cozy, holiday feel of your home, making it more attractive during the winter months.

 Cost-Effective and Easy to Prepare: Simmer pots are inexpensive and can be made with ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen. Plus, they’re easy to prepare and maintain.


 Tips for Using Simmer Pots Effectively:

·         Start Early: Begin simmering your pot at least an hour before a showing to allow the fragrance to permeate your home.

·         Keep an Eye on It if Using Stove- this is why we prefer a crockpot: Never leave a simmer pot unattended for long periods. Safety first!

·         Consider Allergies: Be mindful of common allergens and avoid ingredients that might be problematic for some people.


Incorporating a holiday simmer pot into your home showing routine can create an inviting and memorable experience for potential buyers. It’s a simple, natural way to enhance the appeal of your home, making it not just a property on the market, but a warm, inviting space that anyone would love to call their own. Embrace the spirit of the season and let your home shine!


Here are some of our favorite simmer pot recipes!

-Start with 6 cups water.



peel from 1 lemon (or lemon slices)⁠

peel from 1 orange (or orange slices)⁠

2 bay leaves⁠

3 cinnamon sticks⁠

2 Tablespoons whole cloves⁠



a few drops of vanilla extract⁠

orange peels or orange slices⁠



1 cup dried lavender (or lavender essential oil)⁠

1 tsp anise⁠

1 Tablespoon nutmeg⁠

1 Tablespoon whole cloves⁠

1 cinnamon stick⁠



5 bay leaves⁠

1 Tablespoon whole cloves⁠

2 sticks cinnamon⁠



orange slices⁠

lemon slices⁠

cinnamon sticks⁠

a dash of nutmeg⁠

1 tsp cloves⁠

a handful of cranberries⁠



4 Tablespoons apple cider⁠

a generous sprinkle of pumpkin spice seasoning⁠

cinnamon sticks⁠

ground nutmeg⁠

a drop of vanilla extract⁠

whole cloves⁠